A Poem by Clifford Bernier


Pacific Coast


If beauty is peace 

and peace is meaning,

then beauty is meaning

and the folding waves 

on this freckled beach 

is meaning. Ask the gull 

balancing the wind. 

The driftwood on the bank. 

Sea grass like mustard 

on the dunes, and the 

relentless mist. They know.  


This poem is from the chapbook Ocean Suite by Clifford Bernier (Finishing Line Press), and is available at https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/ocean-suite-by-clifford-bernier/

Ocean Suite is a meditation on meaning through the sound and the circling of #nature. How meaning is hidden in the waves and the sun and the moon and the singing of wildlife and the elements. Intrigued by the juxtaposition of beauty and silence, Ocean Suite explores time and peace and the movement of trees and the testament of tide. How the now and the is muse one’s inner voice. And speak to the place of meaning.

Clifford Bernier’s The Silent Art won the Gival Press Poetry Award. He is also the author of the chapbooks Dark Berries and Earth Suite. A member of the Washington Writers Collection, he lives with his family in Alexandria, Virginia.

Clifford Bernier

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