A Poem by Melina Cohen-Bramwell


Why Did You Do This to Me 

…….(no honor amongst thieves)


There’s no balm for this sore throat screaming

booze poured out 

suicide and Vicodin brushed off the table like breadcrumbs

but I’m on my knees and from the dust on the floor 

perhaps I could construct a loaf 


Musicality is a Trojan Horse

civility a farce for those more skilled at smiling

with friends they can depend upon

who wear straight hair in tight buns 

and are counted when they enter the door


I run with stray dogs

and when rations are low 

they turn their teeth on my flesh

and with rabid famished jaws they snap my bones


This poem is from the chapbook Bar Fights with Sad Kids by Melina Cohen-Bramwell (Finishing Line Press), and is available at https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/bar-fights-with-sad-kids-by-melina-cohen-bramwell/

Bar Fights with Sad Kids is a rollercoaster ride through a formative decade, covering topics such as #addiction, parental #divorce, and that pissy smell that pervades the city of San Francisco. If you remember what it felt like to be in your teens and early twenties, or how great it feels not to be in your teens and early twenties anymore, this book is for you. Grab your copy, brace your core, and make it out of the bar fight alive. #poetry

Melina Cohen-Bramwell dropped out of high school to join the circus but, as it soon became clear, was far better suited to a life of hermitage. Melina now communicates with the outside world primarily through scraps of paper covered in discarded lines that float out the window on breezy afternoons— and the occasional cohesive manuscript slipped in single pages under the door. If you wander about when the moon is high and the wind blows at just the right timbre, you might catch a glimpse of Melina darting in and out of the shadows in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Melina Cohen-Bramwell

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